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This website is about growth. It's a very small slice of the internet that is dedicated to being challenging, thoughtful, and encouraging. 

My name is Ashlen. After several different professional selling positions, I moved into an assistant pastor role. After several years working in the church, I began using my skills in sales and leadership to help other teams develop. 

Today I write about the things that I come across daily that motivate, inspire, or challenge me to be a better husband, father, and leader. Being a leader isn't about the title or authority you hold. It's about positioning yourself to influence the world around you. Sometimes that means as a boss, other times as a part of a family. Either way, my mission is to communicate and teach the skills to lead effectively. 

What I have found over the years is that being more effective at leading usually means adjusting my perspective, being willing to be wrong, and continually learning new things. 

 If you take anything of value from this site I encourage you to share it.