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Showing posts from October, 2017


Responsibility is defined as the state of being accountable or to blame for something, or the opportunity to act independently and make decisions. As leaders, we are accustomed to being held accountable for our team’s results, and you don’t get to that place if you are not able to make decisions. I’ve been challenged recently to think about the internal processes that make personal and professional responsibility possible. What abilities have great leaders honed that make them able to weather difficult times? It’s easy to be accountable when everything is going well. It’s certainly not the most comfortable position to be in when mistakes are made. The ability to own our mistakes, and successes. As happens often, I’m reminded of football…. Being a Detroit Lions fan is not easy. It’s been easier the last few years, but still a challenge. Many times since I have been a fan I have seen my team come within inches of winning a game, only to be robbed by a bad call, or s